Who says a Baby Cant Help You Grow Spiritually

Who says a Baby Cant Help You Grow Spiritually

My Two and Half Year Old Grandson Selected A Meditation CD For Me

Over the last 5 months, after leaving a stressed and toxic environment work place, my nerves were just a jumble of negative what ifs.  What if you get in a car accident, what if you lose your house, what if your real estate business doesn’t launch, what if ad nauseum.  So I added the morning routine of morning guided meditations.  Only thing is I still couldn’t quiet my mind.  I kept thinking about bills to pay and how I was going to pay them.  When you meditate, you receive benefit if you let go. But  I was still having trouble doing that.  My mind would jump around to other distracting thoughts before coming back to the guided meditation

A few weeks ago, my two and half year-old grandson was visiting.  He looked at a rack of CDs I stored between two bookshelves.  He went through them methodically, pulling out about 11 different CDs and putting them back in their respective slots.  A few short minutes later, he handed me a single CD.  It was Steven Halpern, Spectrum Suite, this is a CD that is designed to heal by music.

I was saying goodbye to my Son and Grandson and packing up his things and didn’t think much about the CD that he handed to me.  But later I looked closely at it and remembered that this was a CD that I had purchased to relax and calm me about five years ago.  I had gotten busy with a new job and had completely forgotten it.

I later learned that Steve Halpern’s music is used to help elders who are experiencing Alzheimer’s and other mental disorders.  The healing tones help restore you a comfort level and reassure you, as well as a lot of mental and physical health benefits.  I set it aside to listen later.

It was a couple of days later that I finally listened to the CD and it was so soothing and comforting that I wondered why I had stored it away in such a desolate place, dusty and forgotten.  I was amazed at the effect it had on me.  My muscles untensed,  my bowels released (I stopped holding sh*t inside).  And most importantly, my meditations have improved.  I feel more supported and guided.

Here’s a quote from Steve Halpern’s website, Next-Gen Brain Balancing Music for

Mindfulness, Meditation and Healing

For over 40 years, a new form of brain-balancing music has helped millions to tune in to ‘the present moment’…at the speed of sound.

Simply by listening, these internationally-acclaimed recordings can help you shift gears and align with a place of inner peace and mindful meditative awareness.

Within seconds, the music entrains your brain to balanced states of high coherence alpha and theta frequencies.

As your stress melts away, you’re able to concentrate better, meditate easier, and sleep better at night.

You feel relaxed and at peace.  It’s like a natural spiritual high.

Take a moment and listen to samples of DEEP ALPHA, MINDFUL PIANO, DEEP THETA or CHAKRA SUITE.  I think you’ll know why millions of people around the world add this music to their lives.


Although my Grandson still refuses to take naps when he is with me, I am blessed with his reminder of the incredible gift that I already had in my own home collecting dust.   Children can give you a lot of spiritual direction, if you listen.   It has helped me deepen my meditation practice and find comfort and a new self-directed path.

I invite you to try it.  Treat yourself to these soothing and comforting sounds.

You can purchase meditation music here.

Disclosure:  This is an Affiliate link; there is no cost to you.


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